Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Overview of Bones in the Human Body
Overview of B unrivaleds in the Human BodyThe skull is the top of the drawing and consists of the cranium and mandible. The cranial partof the skull is composed of separate trick ups united at immobile joints called sutures. These suturesargon held by sutural ligaments. The skull is make of compact work up, cover with periosteum, anda bottom of diploe. The mandible is connected to the cranium by a synovial joint called thetemporomandibular joint. The cranium houses the brain and supports the face. The number of cram in the skull totals 22. The skull wads laughingstock be divided into devil groups. The dress ups of thecranium and facial. The five bones of the cranium consist of one frontal, two parietal, oneoccipital, two temporal, one sphenoid, and one ethmoid bone. The facial bones consist of twozygomatic bones, two maxillae, two nasal bones, two lacrimal bones, one vomer, two palatinebones, two Inferior conchae, and one mandible.In the thoracic cage we pay the asquint r ibs, costal cartilages, dorsal thoracicvertebrae, sternum, and the xiphoid. The thoracic cavity protects the heart and lungs. This cage in addition supports the shoulder girdles and upper limbs and attached you will find the neck, chest, andSkeletons and Bones PG 2.muscles. The sternum or breastbone has three amalgamated bones. We have 12 ribs total. The ribs atomic number 18 each floating ribs or true ribs. The true ribs 1-7 are attached to the sternum. Ribs 8-10 areconsidered false ribs. The ribs 11-12 are considered floating ribs and do not attach to thesternum. The scapula is a flat, triangular bone which articulates laterally with the clavicle andwith the humerous. We have two identical pairs. The clavicles are a pair of massive bones thatconnect the scapula to the sternum. The clavicles are cylindrical bones around 6 inches dour.They are located in the thoracic region superior and introductory to the first rib. Each clavicle runstransversely and forms a joint with the ste rnum on its medial end and the scapula on its lateralend. (Bones structure and mechanics, Pg. 47) The clavicles, along with the scapulae, formthe pectoral girdle that attaches the bones of the arm to the trunk. The sternoclavicular joints arethe however bony bail bonds between the pectoral girdles and the bones of the axial skeleton.Several muscles of the neck and shoulder also attach to the clavicle, including the pectoralismajor, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, and deltoid.The vertebra mainstay consists of 33 vertebrae. The first 24 vertebra are articulatingvertebrae, seven cervical, 12 thoracic, five lumbar, and the raze nine are fused. Then followingwe have five fused in the sacrumand four in the coccyx. The spinal groove protects the spinalcord. The human vertebral column is the backbone or spine, consisting of thirty three in total.The vertebra are small bones forming the backbone and they have a hole by dint of which thespinal cord passes. The ilium is the uppermost and largest part of the hip joint bone. This bone iswide, flat, and abides attachment points. The curved ischium forms the lower and back part ofthe hip bone. This bone is below the ilium and behind the pubis. The superior portion of thisSkeleton and Bones PG 3.bone forms approximately one third of the acetabulum. The body rests on these bones while insitting position. The pubic bone is the ventral and anterior of the three bones which make up halfof the pelvis. The pubic bone is covered the mons pubis. There is a superior ramus and aninferior ramus noted.The pubis is the lowest and most anterior portion of the hip bones of thepelvis. The pubic symphysis, is where the two hip bones of the pelvis are fused together. Thehumerus is the upper arm long bone, it extends from shoulder to elbow. The proximal end has asmooth round head that articulates with scapula.The cylindrical shaped humerus has two rounded processes called the greater and lessertubercles. The distal end of the humerus h as two articulating surfaces, the trochlea whicharticulates with the ulna and the capitulum, which articulates with the radius at the elbow. Theulnais a long bone located on the opposite side of the forearm from the thumb. It attaches to thehumerus on the larger end and joins with the carpal bones of the hand at its smaller end. It liesmedially and parallel to theradius.The forearm has two large bones, the radius and the ulna, ofwhich the radius is the larger bone. The radius is located on the lateral side of the forearmbetween the elbow and the wrist joints.The pectoral girdle is the skeletal framework that provides attachment for the scapulasand clavicles.The Pelvic Girdle is composed of 2 hip bones and sacrum. The talus bone,astragalus, or ankle bone is one of the group of foot bones known as the tarsus. The tarsus formsthe lower part of the ankle through its articulations with the lateral and medial malleoli of thetwo bones of the lower leg, the tibia and fibula. The tarsus tra nsmits the entire weight of the bodyto the foot. The calcaneus or heel bone is a bone of the tarsus of the foot which constitutes theSkeleton and Bones PG 4.heel. The metatarsal bones, or metatarsus are five long bones in the foot, located between thetarsal bones of the hind- and mid-foot and the phalanges of the toes. (Fundamentals of haomaPhysiology) The metatarsal bones are numbered from the medial side the first, second, third,fourth, and fifth metatarsal. A tarsal is considered one of the seven bones of the tarsus. Themetacarpals are long bones within the hand that are connected to the carpals, or wrist bones, andto the phalanges, or finger bones. The tops of the metacarpals form the knuckles where they jointo the wrist. On the palm side, they are covered with connective tissue. There are eight smallcarpel bones that sit between the distal ends of the radius and ulna. They have five metacarpals.The size of these metacarpals vary and have different shapes. The phalanges are di gital longbones found in the hands and feet. There are generally three noted, distal, middle, and proximalfor each digit. The only exception the thumbs and large toes.The fibula is a leg bone located on the lateral side of the tibia, with which it is connectedabove and below. It is the smaller of the two lower leg bones and the slenderest of all the longbones. The tibia is the larger and stronger of the two lower leg bones and it connects the kneewith the ankle bones. The tibia is found on the medial side of the leg next to the fibula. It is thesecond largest bone in the human body next to the femur. The patella is a circular-triangularbonewhich articulates with the femur and covers the anterior articulary surface of the knee joint.The femur articulates with the acetabulumin the pelvic bone forming the hip joint, while thedistal part of the femur articulates with the tibia and patella forming the knee joint. The femur isthe strongest bone in the body.1. Briefly identify and discuss the microscopic structures of compact boneSkeleton and Bones PG 5. deep bone contains rigid organs that form separate of the endoskeleton. Compact boneassist the body to move, supports it, and protects organs. Compact bone produces red and whiteblood cells and store minerals. The cortical bone is one of the two types of osteal tissue thatform bones. Cortical bone is often most prominent in the human femur and tibia. The outer layeris dense and forms the shaft of the long bones. Compact bone is made up of concentric layers ofmineral deposits surrounding a central opening. The cylindrical shaped osteon is the mainstructure that makes the outer layer of bones hard. They typically run parallel. The cortical boneis considered approximately 80% of mature bone. Each unit is generally made up of theHaversian canal, Volkmanns canals, osteocytes, and canalulis. (Bones structure and mechanics,Pg. 212) Compact bone contains a central canal, called the Haversian canal, along withconcentric lay ers of bone called interstitial lamellae.The Haversian canal is actually surrounded with rings of lamellae. Lamellae are madeup of bone matrix, collagen fibers, and mineral crystals. Interstitial lamellae are contained in thespaces between osteons. Cancellous or spongy bone has less strength than compact bone andwithin the Haversian canal is composed of a layer of endosteum. This connective tissue is rich innerve fibers and blood vessels. Blood cells within the canal carry nutrients and waste to and forth from the outer layer of the bone. These systems of canals and lamellae are also calledosteons. Spongy bone is hollow and appears like a sponge. They contain thin spicules are knownas trabeculae. In between these cavities you will find red or yellow bone.Volkmanns canals aresmall channels in the bone that transmit blood vessels from the periosteum into the bone andthese canals provide energy and nourish osteons. Trabecular bone is another name for spongySkeleton and Bones PG 6.bone and can be found at the ends of long bones. (Haversian system, Pg. 12)Long bones is most of the appendicular skeleton. The ends of the long bones are epiphysis,its shaft is called the diaphysis. The surroundings or periphery of the epiphysis and diaphysis aremade up of compact bone. In between long bones are epiphyseal plates and this is the regionwhere bone growth occurs. The long bone is covered of the wiry sheath called periosteum.The periosteum protects the bone and allows it to attach to other bones.
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